Malody offset
Malody offset


Only PAD mode is supported in Editor currently, support for other modes will be released in the coming versions. In game editor, support creating chart with new audio or based on other charts.Key mode editor, Notice: Can't edit/test non-mc charts.Fix can't adjust speed during taiko playing.Show confirm dialog before quit playing.Fixed key sounds played at 1x speed with Rush/Dash mod.Supported review chart at result, now players can recommend or not recommend charts.


Improved audio quality with Rush/Dash mod and editor 0.75/0.5x speed.Auto-sync online song meta (title, cover, level).Editor supports exporting chart package to documents/export.A single tap at center of drum can be recognized as double tap. UIS supports the use of tex5 to specify the header image of the hold notes.UIS supports triangle touch area, type = 3, see UIS document.Automatically set the default language according to the system language, no longer need to select manually.


Fixed can't import skin from msz issue.Fixed Editor can not save the song meta issue.Fixed editing options can not correctly saved issue.Added "New" label to the newly added charts.Fixed the bug that replay can not be saved after using the skin.Fixed can not import skin from Documents bug.Better difficult charts playing experience.Support to display the song's original name.Support to edit multiple bpms in editor.Fixed beat lines disappearing from the editor.Fixed random miss bug, introduced from the last version.Fix Android graphic bug when resume from background.Improve the scroll experience when connecting Mac to a normal usb mouse.Fix some cases where key sound plays twice.


  • Fix song cover setting not update issue.
  • Fix Taiko Flip / Luck mod display issues.
  • Allows the touch area in UIS to overlap.
  • Fix can't input any words in editbox bug of some Android phones.
  • Fix catch note missing bug introduced in 3.4.
  • Support force full screen width editor display, toggle from settings.
  • Support some of osu file background video.
  • Better Android tablet detection method.
  • Fix can't input balloon number in editor.
  • Fix can't add or delete notes with scaled editor grid.
  • Editor converts png to jpg automatically.
  • Other performance improvement and bugs fix.
  • Improved audio conversion speed on win/mac/android.
  • malody offset

  • New grid display mode for song selection.
  • UI adaption for devices screen ratio larger than 16:9.
  • Malody runs 120fps on iPad pro 2017 ver.
  • malody offset

    Enjoy 8 player matches of any mode, any mod, any chart format. Supported custom key sounds for Taiko mode.Support OpenSL on Android device, please try this if your device lags in playing.Support export chart to other Apps from game.Better chat display for multiplayer room.Submission system, for more detail, see ingame news.Display original judgement icon for Pad origin mod.Fixed audio missing when playing Taiko with Luck mod.Fair mod, use the same judge for all players in room.FullCombo video for portrait mode playing.Collection, collect your favorite charts together.Supported editing original title and preview time in Editor.Supported selecting multiple notes on touchscreen in Editor.Convinence shortcut for Editor, flip notes, auto save etc.New mode: Slide, comes with Multiplayer and Editor.

    Malody offset